Honoring those who give

Sometimes a whack on the head is a good thing

Behind every scholarship that we award each year is the story of a generous individual who wants to help a student succeed at Cabrillo. Last week the foundation honored scholarship donors and heard from a few students who have been impacted by their generosity.

Cabrillo Alumnus, Tim Riddle, (pictured) shared his motivation behind starting the Whack on the Side of the Head Scholarship for engineering students at Cabrillo.

The Whack on the Side of the Head is the title of a book by Roger von Oech. It was required reading in Cabrillo’s engineering design class in 1989. As described by the author, a Whack is an event which causes a shift in your perception, which empowers your creativity and your recognition of the possibilities. Once that Whack happens, it can forever change your path. Doors can open, where doors were not even known to previously exist.

My experience at Cabrillo College was just such a Whack that rocketed me down a path I had never dreamed possible. I honestly did not even know that path existed. I am eternally grateful for the Whack I received. I became a donor to offer that empowering Whack to current and future Cabrillo students.

Tim Riddle
Scholarship Donor

Cabrillo’s Veterans

Supporting Veteran's at Cabrillo College

As the nation prepares to honor Veterans on November 11th, you may be wondering how Cabrillo College supports those who have served our country. I’m pleased to report that Cabrillo has a dedicated Veterans Information Center on campus. They offer special opportunities all year for Veterans, such as:

  • Information and resources for Veterans transitioning out of active duty and into student life
  • Academic resources to succeed in school
  • A place where Veterans can gather, socialize and form supportive,  positive relationships with others who have served

In addition, the foundation provides the Jon M. Rumble scholarship to Veterans who have taken a Construction and Energy Management course. Founded by Tony Armor, CEO of Day One Solar, the scholarship provides money to the recipients, as well as training in solar as a possible post-service career. An appreciative Joseph Ugalde wrote, “Thank you for providing me with the means to make a positive change in my life. I transfer to SJSU this upcoming fall to finish my Environmental Engineering Degree. I am confident that the knowledge that I have gained while at Cabrillo will serve me well.”

Thank you to all Veterans and their families. Your contribution has made an impact on the lives of so many. Happy Veterans Day!



High Achievers are rewarded

Cabrillo’s Career Technical Education programs, like our Radiologic Technology program, are vigorous and demanding, making it difficult for students to juggle their studies and earn a living. That’s where the Grove Foundation steps in: each year since 2010, the Grove Foundation has awarded 10 promising students $10,000 each to help them get into the workforce and earn a living wage.

The Cabrillo College High Achievers Scholarship for Career Technical Education (CTE) was generously established by the Grove Foundation for highly motivated students enrolled in a CTE program at Cabrillo College. The scholarships are for exceptional CTE students who intend to complete the CTE program within two years and obtain a job in the career technical field upon graduation.

Receiving this scholarship helps students like Thaddeus concentrate and focus on the program, he explains:

My family does not have the monetary means to finance my schooling, and because I had to quit my job to begin this program I had no choice but to take out a student loan.  A major financial weight has been lifted off my shoulders and it frees me to concentrate solely on school work and completing the program.  Also, knowing that I won’t have to pay back as much in student loans once I start working is a great feeling.  Being nominated for this scholarship just catapults my motivation, and I will not let you guys down.  It’s institutions like the Grove Foundation that make the world a better place.  I really look forward to seeing you all at the Awards Ceremony!

Guided Pathways

Cabrillo College has been selected as one of 20 California Community Colleges to be part of the Guided Pathways Project, a venture designed to substantially increase the number of students who earn a certificate, degree, or transfer. Guided Pathways is a complete restructuring of Cabrillo’s processes to better serve our students and improve completion rates.

Guided Pathways will:
  • Help students choose a path: student intake will include career and college exploration
  • Get students on a path: paths will be clearly scheduled and sequenced
  • Keep students on a path: student services will monitor and support student progress

Marcy Alancraig, Lead Faculty for the Guided Pathways project at Cabrillo College talks about this college-wide reform.